Event childcare services


Lost Child Points, Policies and Procedures

If a child or 'adult at risk' were to be found at one of your events, where would you take them? If an adult discovers their child is missing, where do they go?

Public events present a real threat of children being separated from their parents.

The challenges of dealing with missing and found children require expert knowledge of the law and safeguarding procedures and a robust lost child policy.  

Nipperbout regularly runs Lost Child Points at public events, most notably for the London Olympics and the Queen's Jubilees. Our team are childcare-qualified, DBS-cleared, experienced in working with children and well-versed in reuniting found children with their parent or guardian.

Our robust policies for 'safeguarding at events' can be tailored to fit your event and we are happy to assist at Safeguarding Advisory Group meetings.

To enable your team to become 'Safeguarding Savvy', Nipperbout also offers online and face-to-face 'Lost Child and Adult at Risk' training for all organisations that deal with the public at large events, leisure services and shopping outlets.

A Lost Child Point is ideal for:

Corporate fun days
Marketing events
Product launches
Sports events

Benefits of a Lost Child Point

  • Proactive Liaison with on-site security and local police.
  • Clear Procedures when dealing with the emotional well being of the lost child or distressed parents, guardians and carers.
  • Incisive Methods for gaining information from all parties, including a multi-language phrase book.
  • Calming Reassurance for the parent, guardian or carer whilst we establish proof that the child is actually in their care.
  • Expertise and Decisiveness in safeguarding and reporting procedures for all matters relating to child protection.
  • A robust Lost Child Policy and Reuniting Process.

Why Nipperbout

With over 30 years of experience (including running Lost Child Points at the Queen's Diamond and Platinum Jubilee's and Olympics) we have dealt with a vast range of challenging situations and have refined our practice accordingly. As creators of the first CPD accredited Lost Child Training Course, you can trust our robust policies and procedures.

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Enquire or call about our Lost Child Point

See complete list of our childcare services
It's terrifying when a child gets separated from the adult they are with. Having Nipperbout on site to deal with this swiftly and professionally is a weight off your mind!
Fiona Miller, Cancer UK